I wrote this formula for excel to figure out the grade points when I insert certain letter grade .
Since I study in North South University, I’m following their grading policy.
Numerical Scores | Letter Grade | Grade Points (Per Credit) |
93 and above | A Excellent | 4.0 |
90 – 92 | A- | 3.7 |
87 – 89 | B+ | 3.3 |
83 – 86 | B Good | 3.0 |
80 – 82 | B- | 2.7 |
77 – 79 | C+ | 2.3 |
73 – 76 | C Average | 2.0 |
70 – 72 | C- | 1.7 |
67 – 69 | D+ | 1.3 |
60 – 66 | D Poor | 1.0 |
Below 60 | F* Failure | 0.0 |
I** Incomplete | 0.0 | |
W** Withdrawal | 0.0 | |
R** Retaken | 0.0 |
Assuming the following is 3 credit course. I have to put formula in the green bordered cell D7 below. When I put the letter ‘B’ for example it will multiply 3 (grade point) with 3(credit hours) which resulted in 9. If it was A, the result would have been 3*4=12.
=IF(C7=”A”,4B7,IF(C7=”A-“,3.7B7,IF(C7=”B+”,3.3B7, IF(C7=”B”,3B7, IF(C7=”B-“,2.7B7, IF(C7=”C+”,2.3B7, IF(C7=”C”,2B7, IF(C7=”C-“,1.7B7, IF(C7=”D+”,1.3B7, IF(C7=”D”,1B7,0))))))))))
These are just nested if statements. You just need to be careful of those parentheses.